睿资讯 百年辉煌 经典永续 玛莎拉蒂将携限量版高性能Levante Trofeo亮相美国圆石滩

A century of brilliant classics
百年辉煌 经典永续
玛莎拉蒂将携限量版高性能Levante Trofeo亮相美国圆石滩

  The annual pebble beach vintage car show has kicked off at the Pebble Beach Golf Course in California, US, on August 24, 2018. In this is famous world top class antique car grand meeting, the antique old car of value of all over the world and concept car of future grand entrance for competition. Of course, there is no doubt that Maserati, an Italian luxury car brand, will be unveiled this time with its new limited edition high-performance ultra-luxury SUV Levante Trofeo, to renew the classic legend of the brand.
  一年一度的圆石滩老爷车展已在美国加利福尼亚州圆石滩高尔夫球场拉开帷幕。在这一闻名于世的顶级古董车盛会上,全球各地价值连城的古董老爷车及未来的概念车都将隆重登场,竞相争艳。这其中自然少不了意大利超豪华汽车品牌玛莎拉蒂的身影,此次,玛莎拉蒂将携旗下全新限量版高性能超豪华SUV Levante Trofeo震撼亮相,为品牌再续经典传奇。
  经典车型A6GCS 被誉为“有史以来最漂亮的汽车之一”,是当时所有职业赛车手的梦想座驾。在1953年Mille Miglia大赛中,A6GCS首次亮相便斩获同组别冠军,在同年的Targa Florio比赛中,又以第二名的成绩越过了终点线。后来,宾尼法利纳使用barchetta作为创建A6 berlinetta版本的基础,该车型仅有4台存世。
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