Design women's wear in terms of men's wear

The androgynous look, bold tailoring and bold silhouette have created a powerful image of a woman, with designers Victor Zhu and Lin Xiaoxin using the concept of men's wear to create women's wear for creating an image of a strong woman. As founder and designer Victor Zhu put it, "V is my signature, and it means victory. Major means style, and the tone of a music work. I hope that people who love fashion can be like enjoying the beautiful music, unconsciously integrated into the style of Vmajor.
朱威特和林潇馨原本在英国工作。回国后,两人发现在市面上很难找到好看养眼的服装款式。“我们周围的年轻人都很有自己的追求,而中国时装市场提供给他们的选择太少。”基于这样一个单纯的理由,朱威特和林潇馨于 2012 年成立了工作室,凭着直觉,开始创建他们的时装品牌 Vmajor。“V 是我的签名,同时也有胜利的意思。Major 则意指格调,以及音乐作品当中的音调。我希望热爱时装的人能像享受美妙的乐曲一样,不知不觉地融入到 Vmajor 的格调当中。”朱威特说。