睿鸷人物 华硕曾锵声:以创新之道赢在变革——专访华硕全球副董事长兼总裁曾锵声先生


  Over twenty years ago, ASUS started from a small ice cream parlor in Taiwan. It only took ASUS over twenty years to have ranked itself among the global top 500 enterprises. What’s more, it’s the most youngest of these enterprises. It’s a miracle.
  Of course, to our surprise, ASUS shows the incomparable innovation ability and execution ability during the industrial convergence of cloud computing and mobile Internet. In 2012, ASUS as the global sales leader in the field of consumer laptops had a very high worldwide market share in touch-enabled laptops which was far more than the sum of the second and the third market share. Even in Japan which is very strict with 3 C digital products, its sales quantity of tablet computers is far more than Apple and tops the list.
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