Signing a strategic cooperation agreement
Many times, Zhu Peihong would really want to erase the influence of painting skills and various graphic patterns exerted on himself from the institutions, and return to the starting point of art itself. He was born in Shanghai at the end of the 80s of the last century, he saw mottled traces on the wall of the alley, and touched all kinds of urban life. "You need to start looking for a simple painting from scratch," he added.
周围的人往往会以“创意大师”、“成果企业家”这样的词来描述董晓红,她却经常打趣的化解这些标签。对她来讲,从记者到主持人到今天成功的企业家 这一系列的成绩并非偶然,而是对她能准确把握广告行业趋势变化、坚守广告创新为王的理念及依靠营销大数据的企业价值观的肯定与鼓励。