睿生活  这才是真正的超跑:新款奥迪R8 V10 Performance

This is the real super run
这才是真正的超跑:新款奥迪R8 V10 Performance

  Any super run blurted out, it the delight topic that people talk about, turbo 488, 911 rear drive, GT-R 2.7 seconds Pobai, but for the previous generation R8, though strong, rational but lack of blood, and should be still there is a difference from the super run hard index. Today, a new generation of R8 Performance has to make up this gap, the title of Audi's fastest production car is deserved.
   能够脱口而出的任意一台超跑,总有某样能让人津津乐道的话题,488的涡轮增压,911的后置后驱,GT-R的2.7秒破百,但对于上代R8而言,强虽强,却理性有余而热血不足,而且离超跑应有的硬指标仍有一线之差。如今,新一代R8 Performance已经补上这一点差距,奥迪旗下最速量产车的头衔当之无愧。

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