睿生活  华丽丽的海岛度假 是悬崖?海滩?还是潜水艇

Gorgeous island resort Is it a cliff? Beach? Or submarine
华丽丽的海岛度假 是悬崖?海滩?还是潜水艇

  This summer, you may also worry about where to go on vacation? It's time to open an island trip. Many people may unable to remember when begin to be infatuated with the island, but the obsessed reason is very simple --we stay for a long time in the city of reinforced cement, all troubles will be left behind when see the endless coast. For the island, it seems that everyone is looking for a different experience. Extraordinary selection (xGallery) has selected the sea hotels with some different experience from far seeing to near playing, again to the bottom of the sea, the ultimate experience of the island can meet the different requirements of ocean, let the short summer become joyful and special.
   这个夏季,也许还在烦恼去哪里度假吗?是时候开启一次海岛旅行了。许多人也许已经记不清是从什么时候开始迷恋上海岛的,但迷恋的理由很简单——在钢筋水泥的城市里待久了,看到无边无际的海岸线,所有的烦恼就会抛诸脑后。对于海岛,似乎每个人都在寻找着更不一样的体验。非凡精 选(xGallery)挑选了一些不同体验的海之酒店,从远观到近玩,再到海底,海岛界的终极体验,满足对海洋 的不同要求,让这个短暂“夏天”变得异趣横生。

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