睿生活  传承意大利古典工艺之美——意大利古典家具至尊Jumbo Collection进驻剪刀石头布家居

Inherit the beauty of the classical process of Italy
——意大利古典家具至尊Jumbo Collection进驻剪刀石头布家居

  Classical beauty is appreciated by people from the heart because of its refining time with humanistic connotations. Jumbo Collection was born in Cantu, Como Province, Lombardy, North of Italy, the place is also famous for its traditional handmade carving process, it is the holy land for Italian furniture manufacturing. Therefore Jumbo Collection has inherited thousands of years cultural essence of Italy from the design to the process, pure crafted hand made caving in Italy, mother pearl shellfish inlay, ceramic decoration, carving, gold foil covered process makes classical beauty showed incisively and vividly, it is the highest representative of the European classical style furniture!
  剪刀石头布家居集团——帝幔意大利进口家具馆以原厂制造、原装进口的意大利高端家具,营造最为纯正的意大利家居风情,深受各方关注。荟萃众多国际一线进口家具品牌,打造梦想中的奢华之家。近期又增添一颗耀眼新星,意大利古典家具界珍宝:Jumbo Collection进驻帝幔意大利进口家具馆。

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