Greyhound Café

Each Greyhound restaurant has been endowed with different "tide" concepts, which are not only in the selection of dishes, but also in the decoration of the restaurant, each Greyhound has different hand-painted graffiti, these graffiti are different according to the regional characteristics of Greyhound, but they all present a theme of "life is a journey".
1997年,一开业就被美 国Fortune财富杂志评为“the hottest seat in Bangkok”红遍泰国的潮流餐饮品牌Greyhound Café 灰狗·潮泰意·餐厅源自其时装品牌“Greyhound Original”。在成立的21年间,将饮食版图扩展至新加坡、马来西亚、香港、上海、北京及英国伦敦,成为新式“潮”泰菜的领军人物。